Thursday, September 30, 2010

~ Collection Of Vintage Hooked Rugs ~

Hi their friends, I just wanted to share some of our love of country antiques with you. We have a small collection of American hooked rugs. We have traveled throughout southern Calif. in search for them at shops and flea markets. We don't pay too much for them from maybe 25-225 dollars for each one. The cheaper ones are the lucky finds. I know these hook rugs, where made to lay on the floor, but in our home they drape the walls with their beauty. We like to collect rugs with animals on them. I guess we really like to find the ones with dogs. They probably date from the 1920s to the 1950s.
I think these are Labradors but not quite sure.
This one might be a spaniel and the woman who took the time to make it had weaved her initials C.M. as seen on the first photo of the post on the bottom right.

I like the horse with its fall colors, on the leaves. When I see these rugs at shows they remind me of fall for some reason. They seem to make a home feel cozy.

This little guy must be a terrier of some kind. I think it might be from the 20s or 30s. If you are thinking of collecting vintage hooked rugs be aware they reproduce them to look old. So try and do your home work before buying or purchase from a dealer who has knowledge of rugs.
This rug I got as a Christmas gift, three years ago from Raymond. It always reminds me of the holidays when I look at it.

I like these two they remind of being on my grandparents ranch as a child. I used to have a red hen as a pet when I spent summers there. It came up missing one summer, unsure what happen to that poor chicken!
I didn't take a very good photo of this bear rug we just picked up a couple of weeks ago. It reminds me of Big Bear Calif. up in the mountains not that far from home. This one was one of those good finds. Now I'm on the hunt for one with a kitty on it. So if you ladies know of any just laying around in a shop. Please let me know I figure one more wont hurt LOL. I hope you enjoyed our collection. I'm going to join in for ~ Vintage Thingie Thursday ~ hosted by Suzanne, and also for ~ Vintage Inspiration Friday ~ hosted by Debra and also for ~ Show And Tell Friday ~ hosted by Cindy to share with other collectors. Have your self a great rest of the week....Julian


  1. Good Morning Julian! What a great collection, I love the scotty dog, he's so cute! I bet they all look wonderful around your home. Did you guys find your pumpkins the other day? It has been very nice in Mich. the last few days and I would love to take a trip to the apple orchard soon, they have pumpkins and homemade cidar and donuts too, yum I love fall! Have a wonderful day, Theresa xoxo

  2. Ooooh, my favorite is the holiday rug! Such a nice collection. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great hooked rugs:) A friend of mine is a 'hooker' and does gorgeous work. She showed me how to do it and it is so much fun. I like the primitive ones the best:)
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  4. great collection! I love the terrier the best.

  5. Interesting rugs! I think the technique is beginning to be popular again.

  6. Julian,Hey,My favorite is the them all.
    Thanks for visiting LazyonLoblolly.
    Your comment about loving this part of the country,yes we do too.The east coast has it's greatness,but so does your part of the country,the west coast is wonderful.Please come back and visit,anytime

  7. Hi Julian! I'm crazy about your hooked rugs ~ especially the terrier!!

    Susan and Bentley

  8. What an interesting collection. I believe this is my first to see that many different hooked rugs. You have some very nice ones.

  9. WHat a neat collection, I especially love the ones with the pups on them!! Have a great VTT!

  10. Hi Julian,
    Love your rugs especially the one with the sleigh.
    I remember my Great Grandmother making 'Rag Rugs' from old clothes. I don't have hers but have made a couple myself that bring back those memories.
    Loved the church in your last post.
    hugs, Angela.

  11. Dear Julian, These rugs make a lovely collection. They are such fun and are beautifully made. The colours are so mellow now with age that they do seem particularly suitable for the autumn. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is my particular favourite.

  12. Nice collection. I like the winter scene - very pretty.

  13. Ok Julian,
    I want the rug with the sleigh scene. I really love these hand hooked rugs but hardly ever find them. I do own ONE. Great finds!

  14. Hi Julian, Can you believe I actually made one of these rugs many years ago? Then my eyes and patience were both a lot stronger. I love your collection especially the one Raymond got you.
    Hugs, Sherry

  15. You have a really neat collection! Love them!...Christine

  16. Wow, I have never really noticed these as a collector. Very cool. I still want to see more of your house! Giggle. Hope you have a lovely weekend and get to do something you enjoy.

  17. All of your rugs are beautiful. The one with the sleigh is my favorite. Have a blessed week. Debbie

  18. I sure do love your hooked rug collection, I think the Rooster, Horse & the Sleigh are My Favorites.... Perfect Wall Art~

  19. Hi! These hooked rugs are great! I love all the doggies! I do love the one with the sleigh!
    Found you through Debra's VIF.
    Have a great weekend!
    Tammy :-)

    the " real " pups in the header are precious!!

  20. What a fantastic and interesting collection. The winter rug is stunning. Happy VTT!

  21. You have one fantastic collection going on ~ Its nice to always have something you love to search for ~ Have a great weekend.

  22. What a wonderful collection. It would be difficult to choose a favorite, although that little terrier is awfully cute! I have loved hooked rugs for as long as I can remember. They are so timeless and have such a "homey" look.

  23. Congratulations on your Lovely Blog Award from Ms. Bingles. You deserve it. *hugs*

  24. Great collection~I have a small round (maybe for a chair?) hooked rug with a chicken...there's something so comforting and cozy about these old rugs! Hope you are having a great weekend~ Ann

  25. goodness, you have alot of great the vintage Halloween!

  26. Wow! Great collection!
    Happy Halloween
    Tammy :-)

  27. I have seen photos of rug making, and every step shows hard work, passion and culture. From that day on, I swear to myself that I will love and appreciate every carpet and rug that Mom would be laying on our room floors. Now I do understand why Mom wants them to be clean all the time. At first I just thought she wants us to be safe from allergies and other irritations but it made me realize that carpet cleaning (LA) is more than that. It is giving importance to the effort of the weavers of the rugs. Can you imagine how hard it is to think of patterns and designs? We should learn to appreciate every single one of them and pamper them with carpet cleaning services (Los Angeles) to preserve every art piece.

  28. This is a huge collection of rugs! I like the one with the "potential" Labradors. You're a great blogger, thanks a lot for such a detailed and exclusive writing piece. Keep up the excellent blog! Best regards, essay writing services
