We are finally getting some rain for our garden here in So Cal. this morning and expecting some more this weekend which I am so happy about. Since I can't play in the garden today. I decided to share some antique perfume bottles and a couple of our wonderful little bust this morning.

A couple of the bottles have some silver overlay and look as if they could use a bit of polishing. But I enjoy the patina of aged silver. Maybe a little rub here and there to bring out a little shine. Lol

The silver overlay bottles are made in France and are from the late 19Th century and the other two smaller ones are English.

I also included these bust from the Victorian period since they had some creams and white for winter. The larger one of the two was hand carved and from Italy. In the front of the bust there is a encryption that reads " Beatrice" and the smaller one is a French lady wearing hear beautiful hat. Oh how I look forward to seeing some of our roses blooming once again. I see some new growth on the ones we had pruned earlier this month already.