In this picture with the bear I have a collection of vintage 48 star flags. And a cigar with the stars and stripes which was used as a fan. And then there are some vintage horns one is paper mac he and the other is tin. And then we have this child's book with Uncle Sam on it called" The American Speaker".

This advertising card for spools of thread was a great find with the young lady wearing her red white and blue dress. I found at a shop in Riverside and then there is this cute photograph with the children in a pageant one is dressed as Uncle Sam, Statue Of Liberty and Columbus. I'm not sure what the other little girl is dressed as.

We found this little tin drum at a great shop in Orange County which deals in country collectibles.

Raymond decorated the entrance to the house as we walk in and he did the rest of the decorating of our collection today.

This tin drum I bought him for Christmas one year it has the colors and some of the children are holding the American flag going around the drum.

Here we have some vintage pillows that women had made in the past both of them have 48 stars on them. They were a great find at a store here in town.

This Uncle Sam is riding a bicycle it was a advertisement for bikes. And glued onto a scrap book album. I talked the dealer into selling me the page.